Community groups, businesses, and elected officials agree – Bobby Levy is the right person to represent House District 58 in Salem. Add your name to the growing list below.
Local Leaders
Congressman Greg Walden
State Senator Bill Hansell
Former State Senator David Nelson
State Representative Greg Smith
State Representative Greg Barreto
Former State Representative & Speaker of the House Mark Simmons
Umatilla County Commissioner Bill Elfering
Umatilla County Commissioner George Murdock
Umatilla County Commissioner John Shafer
Union County Commissioner Paul Anderes
Union County Commissioner Matt Scarfo
Wallowa County Commissioner Susan Roberts
Wallowa County Commissioner John Hillock
Wallowa County Commissioner Todd Nash
Mayor of Elgin Allan Duffy
Mayor of Pendleton John Turner
Associations and Businesses
Associated Oregon Loggers PAC
Bellinger Farms
Desert Sands Construction Inc.
Eastern Oregon Home Center
Mt. Bachlor Homes LLC
National Rifle Association- Victory Fund PAC
National Federation of Independent Businesses- Oregon
Oregonians for Affordable Housing
Oregon Bankers PAC
Oregon Cattlemen’s Association
Oregon Chiefs of Police Association
Oregon Council of NECA Chapters
Oregon Dairy Farmers Association
Oregon Farm Bureau
Oregon Gun Owners
Oregon Insurance PAC
Oregon Neighborhood Store Association PAC
Oregon Opportunity Initiative PAC
Oregon Outdoor Council
Oregon Right to Life PAC
Oregon School Employees Association
Oregon Sheep Growers Association
Oregon & Southern Idaho District Council of Laborers
Oregon Trail Homes Inc.
Oregon Trucking Associations
Oregon Wheat Growers League
Oregonians for Food & Shelter
Pacific Corp
PGE Employee Candidate Assistance Fund
Seed PAC
Sno Road Winery
South County Construction Inc.
Stangel Bison Ranch
Strategies360 Oregon
Timber Unity PAC
Umatilla Electric Corporation
Union Pacific Railroad
Community Members
Balloun, Daysha
Balloun, Mike
Barry, Deana
Basile, Joe & Debbie
Beck, Sharon
Bellinger, Jack
Bergstein, Leonard
Beverage, Mark W.
Birkmaier, Gina
Bishop, Mort
Blanc, David
Bodewig, Christopher
Bounds, Hillary
Bounds, Tucker
Bowen, Cody
Branstetter, Bryan C.
Broadfoot, Jerod
Brownstein, Jerome K.
Buckley, Bobby
Byers, Janice
Byers, Jerry
Canfield, Damon
Carlson, Clinton
Carper, Kari
Carter, John
Carter, Jim
Carter, Linda
Charney, Courtney
Chaung, Laura
Clark, Gordon
Coba, Marshall
Coffman, Jeff
Collins, Donna
Cook, Cynda
Corey, Doug
Corey, Michael & Jenny
Corey, Steve & Susan
Coulter, Bob
Currin, Jennifer
Dalrymple, Larry
Dietrich, Angelika
Doherty, Anne & Dennis
Dunham, Jim & Connie
Duffy, Michelle
Echenrode, Robert
Elfering, Bill & Yvonne
Elmore, Rick
English, Margaret
Evans, Gibb
Evans, Stephanie
Ferge, Lloyd & Katherine
Fife, G. Fran
Fisher, Troy & Mona
Ford, Austin
Franklin, Bryan and Shannon
Frederickston, Suzi
Galloway, Andrea
Gianotti, Bruce & Margaret
Gilbert, Rhonda
Griffith, Glen
Guiterrez, Elida
Hale, Kevin
Hale, Robert “Bob”
Hamby, Juliana
Hamby, Tracy
Hamm, Phil
Hanson, Larry
Hardy, Gene
Harris, Jeanette & Heath
Hathaway, Fiona
Hawkins, Fred
Hawkins, Tim & Jennifer
Heffernan, Chris
Hill, Karen
Hillock, John
Hobbs, Dalton
Hodgen, Fred
Horn, David
Hulden, Ann
Ibarra, Lesley
Imsled, Jerry
Jellum, Amy
Kirkham, James
Kohl, Doug
Kubler, Jeff
Lavy, Darla & Harison
Levy, Bob
Levy, Dick
Levy, Jan & Mac
Low, Mary Ann & Wayne
Lupo, Jared
Lynch, Con
Lyons, Art & Suzy
Madison, Kent & Laura
Maag, Kirk
Mannix, Kevin
Mathison-Horn, Patricia
McDonough, Sandra
McHaddad, Alex
Mehren, Michael
Mentzer, Andrew
Moore, Tik
Morgan, Angela
Morgan, Max
Murdock, George & Donna
Nash, Todd & Angie
Nelson, David & Alice
Nelson, Bob
Parker, Jeff
Parker, Rodney
Pedro, Debbie
Piercy, Lloyd & Lois
Pinkerton, Erika
Prior, Art
Prior, David
Radie, Debbie
Reed, David
Rees, Raymond
Rew-Blanc, Shawna
Ridgway, MaryAlice
Roberts, S.
Rosa, Jerome
Russell, Don
Saperstein, Ralph (Boise Cascade)
Salmon, Diane & Doug
Schiller, Heath
Schiller, Whitley
Shaw, Jack & Kathy
Sheehy, John
Simmonds, Jay & Claire
Simpson, Jerry
Simpson, Jo
Skillman, Marty
Smith, John
Stockhoff, Henry & Valerie
Stubblefield, Fee
Talbot, Susan
Thew, Richard
Thompson, Austin
Thompson, Sally
Timmons, Michele
Turner, Gail
Turner, John
Watkins, Mark
Weinkauf, Mike
Wells, Janet & Kent
Williams, Michael & Cathy
Wilson, John
Wolfe, Rebecca